Implicit Psychotherapy is an innovative therapeutic approach to reinstate secure attachment, increase regulation and restore a person's sense of essential self.

Dr. Abi Blakeslee, MFT, Ph.D.

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Implicit Psychotherapy Introductory Workshop

with Founder Dr. Abi Blakeslee

A recorded introductory workshop video on the innovative therapeutic approach to reinstate secure attachment, increase regulation, and restore a person's sense of essential self.

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Implicit Psychotherapy Dream and Eco-therapy Retreat

with Dr. Abi Blakeslee and Cindy Brooks

Learn mindfulness and awareness exercises in the field of Implicit Psychotherapy and Eco-Therapy.

September 12-14, 2025

Idyllwild, CA

You are invited to a unique dream and eco-therapy workshop in the beautiful California mountains.  Dr. Abi Blakeslee, founder of implicit psychotherapy and world-renowned trauma recovery expert, will demonstrate how to work with dreams.  Each morning, you will learn dreamwork skills by observing live volunteer dream sessions followed by a video deconstruction of the principles and techniques that cultivate transformation.  In the afternoon, eco-therapy and trauma recovery expert Cindy Brooks will lead earth-based healing exercises in nature.  This workshop is for anyone interested in their own healing journey as well as healing and mental health practitioners and educators.

If you are looking for more ways to work outside with the Earth and within inner dream worlds, this workshop is designed to inspire you.

Idyllwild Town Hall. 25925 Cedar Street, Idyllwild, CA.

Lodging available at Silver Pines Lodge and Silver Pines Village located on Cedar Street.

Sign up for IP Case Consultations with Dr. Abi Blakeslee

Dates: (see below for specific dates)
Cost: $85 USD
Duration: 3 hours long
Who this is for: IP Students only

Please note that times may vary depending on the date due to daylight savings time and coordinating multiple countries. Be aware of the different dates and times for these case consultations!

Online consultations are not recorded to protect confidentiality and must be attended at the scheduled time.

Note: The schedule is subject to change with Abi's schedule. Should a schedule change be made after you have registered, you will be allowed to change to another date or be provided with a refund.

Online Implicit Psychotherapy Course: Case Consultation

November 3, 2024

10:00 am - 1:00 pm MT

Note: Daylight Savings Time ends on this date in the US. Check this link for the time in your area.

More dates coming soon

Watch for announcements about future dates

Welcome to the World

Now available! Implicit Awareness, Mindfulness Exercise: “Welcome to the World.”

A guided imagery opportunity for you to have a reparative experience or a more direct experience of coming into the world.

Download the PDF, video, and audio below.

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Emotional, physical, and social distress can arise from unresolved attachment and trauma. Yet recovery is not about thinking our way out of the past. This training will teach you about the biology of recovery from the unique perspective of working directly with non-consciously encoded memory, also known as implicit memory. Several branches of implicit memory are involved with the autonomic nervous system, the threat response cycle, and primitive states of emotional regulation. Why can't your clients change the emotional and behavioral patterns they know are hurting themselves and others?

In this workshop, you will learn how interoception is used in therapy. Learning how to observe and change ongoing states of distress, as well as learning how to guide clients to repair relational ruptures on an implicit level, can lead to long-lasting and deep states of change. You will practice therapeutic exercises that you can use with your clients right away. Implicit Psychotherapy distills science, theory, and practice with clarity. The training is a combination of lectures, small break-out practices throughout with immediate skill building, and clinical deconstructions of live and prerecorded volunteer demonstrations. Working with implicit memory is a pathway to reinstate secure attachment, increase emotional and physiological regulation, and restore a person's sense of essential self.

Please - refer your colleagues to the workshop!

Here is a flyer to pass along to your colleagues and friends.

Module 1: Interoception, attachment repair and regulation.

Module 2: Implicit Memory’s role in biology, recovery, and the essential self.

Module 3: Healing transgenerational trauma, dreams, archetypes and the whole self.

Dates 2024
Module 1 - June 8-11
Module 2 - July 20-23
Module 3 - August 31-September 3

Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Pacific time
Cost: $550 USD per module
Location: Tahquitz Pines Retreat, 55521 S. Circle Dr., Idyllwild, CA 92549

Please refer to our Cancellation policy.

Registration for 2024 is currently closed.

  • Module 1

    Core Topics: Memory Systems in Therapy, Pathways to lay down New Implicit Learning, Interoception, Predictive Appraisal, Secure Attachment Exercises, Fostering Implicit Reconnection to Essential Self.

  • Module 2

    Core Topics: Restoring Action, Agency, and Organization, Survival Physiology, Procedural Memory Reorganization, Boundaries, Depotentiation of Fear Arousal, Dissociation, Implict and Explicit Timelines, Flexibility, Sustainment and Success.

  • Module 3

    Core Topics: Essential Self-Source, Purpose and disrupting Negative Core Self Beliefs, Relational Strategies and Exercises, Dreams, Archetypes, Transgenerational Trauma and Healing, Collective Trauma, Ecopsychology, Birth and Dying and Transitional states, Creativity, and Future Self.